ANDERS HJULER. please look also :
Anders Hjuler has been working with the picture media and the experimental sculpture since the mid-sixties and has now extended the repetoire with sculptures of glass, acryl on "roughboard", glass works, decoupage and pastel art.
I offer different exhibitions for Galleries and Artassociations - Kunstforeninger København, Sjælland,Fyn and Jylland. More than 300.000 visitors on this web-site
Education : Århus Art Academy 67-68 - Masters Degree Pedagogy Estetics and Art (cand.Pæd.Pæd.1990)Workshops in Paris, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Norway, England,Denmark, Spain, Greece, Faroe Islands, Belgium, France
Current projects OBS : new mail :
Crete 2015 : Wall painting (7 x 3 app) on Chania.
6+7 sept,2014 : Street slam performance Gallery Shine Copenhagen.
Lithouania Klaipeda 21/7-31/7 2014. Exhibition historical museum &
Sculpture Park. Performance on theme : Life after life in garden
2013 : Antanas Moncio Museum Palanga LT , Galleribe Ribe DK
2012 : Holstebro Kunstmuseum, 35.000 scouts process painting
2011 : Gallery SHINE Bali works, Faroe Islands Tchicai Performance
2010 : England, Ely, Babylon Gallery, Italy Toscana, Pitigliano,